Orte Underground Conventions

Bassano in Teverina
Standing guard over the main entrance to the medieval town of Bassano, the TORRE DELL'OROLOGIO is characterized as a structure from the Renaissance period (16th cent.), built entirely of local peperino blocks. What makes it absolutely unique is what is jealously guarded inside: the Romanesque bell tower (12th cent.) of the nearby church of Santa Maria dei Lumi, discovered in 1976 during consolidation work.

The Chia Waterfalls Park of Fosso Castello is located within an enchanted forest where its magnificent small waterfalls and jumps of water that proceed quickly through the vegetation and giant boulders of peperino that testify to the volcanic nature of this territory. The itineraries will also take you to visit the place where Pier Paolo Pasolini shot the scene of the Baptism of Jesus from the film "Il Vangelo secondo Matteo".

Orvieto, a thousand-year-old city suspended almost by magic between heaven and earth, has revealed another of the aspects that make it unique and exceptional: a maze of caves is hidden in the silent darkness of the cliff.The particular geological nature of the rock on which it stands has allowed the inhabitants to excavate, over the course of some 2,500 years, an incredible number of cavities that stretch, overlap, and intersect below the modern urban fabric.

A visit to the Underground is not a conventional one; the history we are talking about began centuries ago with the establishment of the Holy Office, but it still continues to be intertwined with the present. Narni Sotterranea is a set of hypogea discovered in recent years, a part of which it was possible to open to the public and which we describe here. These environments are suitable for everyone, even the claustrophobic, thanks to the many openings to the outside along the entire route.

Through the widespread museum of the "Path of Remembrance," where the wounds of the 1944 Allied Air Force bombing are still clearly evident, we will be pleased to take you into the bowels of the Soratte with historical re-enactments, films and museum displays carved out of and inside the bunkers.
You will thus be able to relive the crucial moments of World War II and the Cold War. A total immersion in history, in a context always considered highly secret and just minutes from Rome!

Rignano Flaminio
The Pro Loco Association of Rignano Flaminio is a voluntary and non-profit association, established in October 1981, thanks to some founding members.
Since that date it has carried out, in the sectors within its competence, tourist, artistic, historical, cultural, folkloristic and food and wine promotion of the area, organizing numerous events always with great success thanks to the work of many volunteers

Guided tour of the Rieti Underground, which houses the remains of the Roman viaduct built to prevent the swamping of the Via Salaria, the ancient salt road.
This mighty artefact allowed the consular road to enter the city, thus assuming an extremely important role for the Roman Reate, which needed a direct connection with L'Urbe.
The structure traceable in the basements of some noble dwellings consists of grandiose limestone archways supporting the road surface.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

A camper van area, completely surrounded by olive trees, only 800m from the A1 and E45 exit.
📍Via del Ponte, Orte, Italy, 01028
📞+39 351 703 0453

Toscana - Lazio - Umbria
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